Reflections on the year 2011
I wish I could say that this was a good year, but this was a year of change and trial for our family. Significant financial struggles, and the theories and opinions of "experts" and parents on autism have slowly taken away my spiritual strength. Gluten, casein, yeast, ABA therapy, supplements, vaccinations, environmental contaminants, medications given during childbirth, etc., etc. Everyone seems to know, but no one really does. I pray that in my lifetime, someone finds an answer. Maybe there isn't just one. Maybe there is some truth in all of it. I find it very strange that children and adults with autism are so much a like, but also so different. Some never learn to speak except through a computer, some don't struggle with speech at all. Some show signs from infancy, some slowly slip away. Some are "saved" with intensive therapy only, some see little to no change in behavior despite therapy and/or dietary changes. Why? What is this horrible condition that destroys lives--not just the lives of our children, but the families who struggle to fight for them?
Today, my spirit feels broken. So far, I've been really grateful for Aiden's progress, with the sincere thought that all would be alright. Now, I'm getting inpatient and sad. I want Aiden to speak so bad. I want him to look me in the eye, interact with other children, and "come to life". I'd do almost anything for that right now, yet I feel so inadequate. I don't know how to interact with Aiden--how to "bring him out". WEAP called today, and wondered where we were at on the wait list. Far, far away...unfortunately. I hate this. So much so that I've been trying every natural thing I can to try to see some difference. Aiden isn't having it. Omega 3's...he won't take them. We can't afford to keep trying supplements he won't take. Not that I think the change will be significant, and I know it won't "cure" him, I just want to do SOMETHING to help. I went to a conference recently on the GFCF diet. The speaker's son did very well on the diet (he also thought that the mercury in vaccinations cause autism; there is no mercury in vaccinations, just the flu shot). So I started reading the thoughts and experiences of other parents. Mothers talked about the significant changes they saw, and I thought...what if? What if he DID make more eye contact and start talking? Wouldn't that be such a moment of joy!? I know it doesn't work for everyone, but what if? I know what a lifestyle change it would be. For the short time we tried GF, I was miserable trying to keep him from all the "no-no's". I gave up quickly. What if this time it does work, and we can't keep up with it financially? That was a significant issue expressed by some parents, and I know it would be a problem for us. We have enough financial stress. I don't think I can handle anymore. I just don't want to live life with "what if's?" So, I'm willing to give it a try...again. This time we will start with dairy, and remove gluten after. That will make it easier on all of us. I'd much rather remove dairy than gluten--better yet, neither, but I just can't let go of it. My mother told me of a client of hers who has a severely autistic daughter. She was put on the GFCF diet early in life. When the child was finally able to communicate via computer, what did the child say? "Why can't I have the treats like the other kids?" Heartbreaking. She was off the diet after a year, and there was no difference in her behavior. Do I want to do this to Aiden? No, but I will if it does help him!
As for having another feels surreal. I'm not excited. All I think about is how hard it will be to get out of the house, and spend quality time with the boys. That makes me so sad. Why? Why another baby now? I don't understand how the Lord works, but I do know that looking back, it always works out for the best. I felt very strongly that Austin was waiting to come to our family. I have no regrets now, but I wasn't ready then. Austin is Aiden's little helper. He is here to help him, and I'm grateful I listened to the promptings of the spirit. I just wish it wasn't so hard to be faithful.
I sincerely hope and pray that this year brings positive changes. I hope that my faith becomes stronger, and that answers come for our family. That I can let go of the things I can't control, and move forward in a positive direction. I hope this is a year of great progress for Aiden, and that the year 2012 is the year I have my first conversation with my son.
I sincerely hope and pray that this year brings positive changes. I hope that my faith becomes stronger, and that answers come for our family. That I can let go of the things I can't control, and move forward in a positive direction. I hope this is a year of great progress for Aiden, and that the year 2012 is the year I have my first conversation with my son.