Friday, September 9, 2011


Happiness is going away for awhile, and having your son run into your arms when you return!

Dear Aiden,

Your father and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this week!  We took some much needed time away, and your aunt Amy took good care of you and your brother.  I'm so grateful that you love her so much, and feel comfortable being in her home.  It was a blessing to have some time for just your father and I, but nothing could compare to the joy I felt when I came to take you home!  You ran into my arms and gave me the best hug I've ever received.  Then, you ran to your father saying, "daddy"!  You have no idea how much that meant to me.  

I cried for you today Aiden.  Your teacher and I were talking before you went into your classroom.  She said their are many parents who just want "someone else" to take care of their special children, and they do little with them at home.  That broke my heart.  I do want someone else to help me, but that doesn't mean that I won't do everything I can to expand on your knowledge.  You are picking up on sign language very well, saying more and more words on your own, and you even said your colors correctly today!  I'm so excited about your progress!  Your father and I talked a little about your life, and how it may be.  I think I'm still a little bit in denial.  I wish with all my heart that you could speak to me, and tell me how you perceive things.  My greatest hope is to have a conversation with you in the next year.  Nothing would give me more joy than that--nothing.  

You are starting to look like a young man.  You have a terrific smile and laugh, and you continue to show affection and love to those around you.  That is your most endearing quality.  We love you, and we are so proud of the progress you have made in such a short time!  Speech Therapy starts at the Waisman Center soon.  I'm hoping this semester will bring many, many more miracles in that regard!

All my love,


1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! So glad you took time to yourselves. That is very important! Lucky you have people to help you with that. Did you find you have more energy now to deal with your child? It does help to get away! AND, the child grows more when others do not anticipate his every creates more opportunity for him to communicate. Don't worry about denial. It's necessary for now. I was in denial for 8 years. Denial is highly underrated. When faced with denial or depression, I'll opt for denial every time! :) I think, however, that you have a pretty good "handle" on what your son needs. It will become more and more apparent as life goes on....if not, I'm here to help you clarify. Email me if you have any more questions. I'm home now. Took our son to Europe. What an experience! You should see the pictures he took! He posted them on fb. By the way, DVD's are a very good learning tool for our children as they are visual learners. You were right to worry about TOO much TV. However, there are many DVD's that teach things that our kids need to know. I had one on VHS (unfortunately) for grooming (brushing teeth, dressing, etc.) and one for simple math. I am sure that is why my son was so good at math and is now so neat and clean!
