Tuesday, April 19, 2011


WARNING--controversal subject matter. 

Austin, my 16 month old, had a well check today.    I had to make the decision to continue with his vaccination schedule, delay it, or stop it all together.  I don't blame anything on Aiden's special needs, but I do want to make an informed decision on what is best for Austin.  I know what the research says, and I know what the concerns are.  I've struggled with this decision long before we knew Aiden was autistic.  I went into the appointment with the decision to wait on Austin's vaccinations for now.         

I love our Pediatrician.  We discussed my concerns for a second time.  I was unaware that vaccinations--except the flu shot for older children and adults--do not contain the preservative that contains mercury.  (Who the heck thought that was a good idea in the first place?!)  Aiden never received a shot that contained  mercury, and neither will Austin.  If I waited, Austin would get more than 5 shots next time--no thank you.  

My thoughts...I work in a field based on science.  The medical field is based on scientific facts, and so is the field of nutrition.  To deny this woman's 20+ years in the field, and her own research and knowledge, would be denying my own education.  I trusted her.  I had faith in her and in my own education.  There is a lot of "knowledge" out there.  Some puts significant fear and doubt in my heart.  

I believe answers come through preperation and prayer.  I've done the research, and I've prayed for help with the decision.  Austin received his shots today, and I'm at peace with that decision.       

On a positive note, the doctor was very encouraging about the WEAP Project--Wisconsin Early Austism Project, and wants Aiden to be a part of it.  Children do so well in the program that some even "graduate out".  I have renewed hopes that Aiden will progress well once he gets all the resources he needs. 

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