Saturday, December 1, 2012

IEP year 2

Aiden's Individual Education Plan (IEP):

Goal 1--Aiden will demonstrate an increase in expressive/receptive language skills so that he may effectively communicate basic want and needs in 4 out of 5 opportunities.  

Goal 2--Aiden will increase his social skills by responding to greetings, responding to his name being called, directing his attention, participating in teacher led activities, and interacting with peers in 3 out of 4 opportunities.

Goal 3--Aiden will increase his self-help skills by washing his hands, walking near teachers, and participating in a bathroom routine in at least 3 out of 4 opportunities.

Thank goodness for Early Childhood, because Aiden is making progress in all of these areas!  Aiden is able to make his needs known most of the time, even if it isn't a complete sentence, he can communicate what he wants.  It is rare that I don't know what Aiden needs.  Aiden says "hello" and "goodbye" appropriately with prompting, and sometimes even without it.  He is now able to sit for classroom activities and participate in "floor time".  Aiden will go to the bathroom when asked to, sit on the potty and wash his hands, but he has yet to communicate when he has to go.  When I'm able, I would like to try underwear for a week.  I did it with Austin, and it is working.  It is just very challenging with 2 to keep track of.  I'm already cleaning up a lot of pee and poo (and doing a ton more laundry)!  I'm being pulled in a lot of directions, still wondering if I'm doing all I can do, and trying to keep my head on straight.  Some days are easier in that regard than others.  Life is going to change drastically in April.  It is a constant game of finding balance in the world of autism, while raising 3 children under 5.  If God brings you to it, he will get you through it!

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