Monday, July 30, 2012


This was a post I did in my personal blog, but I felt it was appropriate here as well.

My heart is broken in many ways...

I find myself overwelmed with autism information and theories once again, and it is hard to overcome the heart break.  I left Facebook for awhile to avoid all the negative talk about diet and our food supply.  Mentally, I just can't handle it anymore.  I'm sad that something I enjoyed needs to be taken away.  I miss talking about my kids, and posting pictures.  I hope the distraction passes with time.  I've noticed that when I want to go on FB, I do something more productive instead--like play with my children!  I pray I'm doing what is best for my kids, and that my time with them is spent well.  I truly believe that God gives us what we need to grow, and what we can handle.  I just wish I could feel 100% sure that I'm doing what is right for Aiden.  I second guess myself more and more each day.  I pray our Heavenly Father can give me peace in that regard, and that Aiden is one of those children that overcomes autism with love and therapy.  I'm so grateful for his progress!

Honestly, I'm really looking forward to the new school year.  I hope we can find a healthy routine that works for all of us.  It is so important that I get my workouts in, but working out at night is not ideal.  I got it done early yesterday, but the kids were in and out, which distracted me.  I wish I could find an hour or 2 for just me each day.  I will miss that next school year very much!  I need that time.  Praying we all find balance and happiness is just too short to live it any other way!

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