Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Yesterday was a long morning!

Aiden retook the Vineland assessment and had an IQ test yesterday.  The psychologist says the IQ test isn't really accurate for ASD kids, but she is required to do it by the state.  The testing will determine (based on the new Medicaid standards) if Aiden will continue to receive therapy or will go into post intensive.  I'm really on the fence with this one, and his psychologist says it will be a close call because he is "high functioning".  At this point, I have no idea what is best for Aiden.  My heart sank after school conferences.  Aiden is falling so behind in school.  Therapy would give him help with his academic struggles every day, while post intensive will teach Aiden more daily living skills.  I agree Aiden needs to learn how to take a shower and use money, but I also want him to be able to read and write!  This is a tough one, and it is out of my hands.  

I trust Heavenly Father's Will and Timing, so I will leave this in His capable Hands :).

3/24/16--Aiden's scores came in below average for both the Vineland and IQ tests; however, the psychologist was very encouraging.  She said that Aiden was able to answer most of the questions for the IQ test correctly, but she wasn't able to document that because he "timed out".  This matches up with what we see in his school work/exams.  Aiden knows the information, but it takes him longer to process the information, making testing an inaccurate assessment.  Now we wait and see if we continue to receive therapy based on his low performance, or we move into post-intensive.  It is beginning to look like Aiden will continue to receive services.  The waiting game continues....

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