Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Social Skills

Social Skills Success!
My how Aiden has changed!  I've come a little early a few times to pick Aiden up from his social skills class, and I'm so pleasantly surprised!  I overheard the director of the program turn to her staff and discuss Aiden.  "When he first started he barely talked..."  Then she saw me standing there and we shared our excitement over Aiden's progress.  What a gift.  I have tears.  My little boy is overcoming autism.  Where would we be without the Early Childhood program and our CHATT staff?  I know this could be much harder on our family than it is.  As I watched the class play "What time is it Mr. Wolf?"  I was sad to see another little boy Aiden's age struggle through his role as the "wolf".  That was Aiden years ago.  Unable to communicate effectively, unable to participate like his peers.  Aiden is a success story, but what about those who will live their lives consistently needing the help of another?  I feel a little guilty and sad about that, because I know Aiden will be a functioning independent adult some day. 
Aiden's temperament is emerging.  We have been with CHATT now for almost 2 years (reassessment in May), and he is so comfortable with his staff, he gets angry and rude with them at times.  This is not like Aiden at all.  I wonder if Aiden is sick of it all.  I don't blame him.  I'm tired of having therapists in our home 6 days a week too.  His behavior at school is excellent.  No negative "Dojo" points ever.  Teachers comment all the time on what a great kid he is.  Academically, he is doing amazingly well for a boy who could barely speak sentences not too long ago.  The looming question remains, "will another year of therapy help or hinder Aiden's progress?"  I've been praying and pondering about this very thing.  On the one side, I'm worried about regression.  On the other side, I'm worried he won't get enough time to play after school, to socialize with his peers, and to just be a kid.  When does Aiden just get to be a 7 year old kid?  Is it time?    

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