Friday, January 4, 2013


Early 1940's--Leo Kanner, a child pschiatrist @ Johns Hopkins University Medical School described 11 children with similar behavior characteristics: 1) social isolation/withdrawal, 2) communication difficulty, and 3) ritualistic behaviors.

Bruno Bettleheim believed that autism was the result of ineffective parenting.  He believed children found their world hostile and scary, so they developed unusual behavior.  At this time, children were taken away from their parents and put in institiutions.  Mother's were termed, "refridgerator mom's".

Early 60's--Bernard Rimland found that autism was due to abnormalities in the brain--NOT due to poor parenting (1964).  His son was autistic.

1960's--Ivar Lovaas from UCLA discovered that with behavioral therapy, children with ASD's could learn given a highly structured enviroment with rewards and punishments in a consistent manner.  His work continues to be used today in what is called ABA--applied behavior analysis--therapy. 

1970's--Children with ASD's were no longer taken from their parents.  Teachers were instructed on "behavioral techniques".  Parent's play an important, active part in therapy.

2000--Austim is thought to be a disorder of the central nervious system.  Some children with ASD's have abnormal levels of neurotransmitters--the chemical messengers that transmit information.  Many studies indicate a genetic component to ASD's, but researchers believe their is likely an environmental "trigger".  Although there is no clear pattern, children with ASD's have a higher likelihood that they will have a history of encephalitis, PKU (inborn error of metabolism), tuberous sclerosis, maternal use of cocaine, or anoxia (loss of oxygen).  Aiden had anoxia at birth, and was put on supplemental oxygen for 2 days.

1999--Thimerosol (the preservative that contains mercury) removed from vaccines for children.  It continues to be used in the adult flu shot.  No studies to date link autism to vaccinations, although many people and healthcare providers continue to feel there is a connection.

CDC 2012-- 1 in 54 boys will be born with autism.  1 out of 88 children will be diagnosed with an ASD.   

IQ tests are not good indicators for children under the age of 5 because they are socially and verbally biased. 

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