January 26, 2013-- "Waisman Center: A day with the Experts". Here are my notes/thoughts/insights.
- The brain is like a muscle. Use it or lose it. Our brains change with time; hence, the reason some children with autism develop seizures later in life and/or overcome/seem to "rewire" as time passes and with early intervention.
- For 11% of people with autism there is a cause: Fragile X Syndrome, Rett's syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis. For 90%, there is no known cause--yet. They know that the brain is different based on MRI scans, and there are variences in DNA seen in autism.
- 1% of children in the US are diagnosed with an ASD, 2% in South Korea. Currently 1 in 88 children are autistic according to the CDC.
- In 1992 there were 20 DOCUMENTED special ed children in WI schools. In 2011, there were 8,885.
- ASD's tend to be higher in families with a higher socioeconomic status (though some researchers say this is due to more access to diagnosis and treatment for this population).
- Higher incidence of ASD's are also seen in preterm infants, advanced parental age (mom AND/OR dad over 35), 1st born children, short duration between pregnancies (<12 months = higher risk for an ASD), low birth weight babies, and possibly for those who have used fertility treatments. These are not CAUSES, just trends. One could argue that children who would have died under difficult circumstances, now survive with medical advances, giving another possible reason why ASD's have risen.
- Current theories on why ASD's are becoming more prevalent are: 1) increased developmental screening, 2) expanded criteria/change in diagnostic practices for autism via the DSM manual, 3) increased awareness, 4) substituting labels--once "cognitively delayed" now "autistic", 5) dual "labels" i.e downs syndrome children are now tested for ASD's and some also receive this diagnosis.
- Immunologic basis to autism...? I wish they would have touched on this more!!! I couldn't help but think that while we were learning all the research/evidence based practices, what were holistic providers conferencing about autism? How increasing vaccinations, our "contaminated" food and water supply, and drugs were causing autism, and how they could "cure" it with holistic medicine? Could Aiden's chronic antibiotic use during his first 2 years of life damaged his immune system in some way? I still believe that genetics PLUS environmental factors play a role in all this!
- Coming soon...May 2013 the DSM criteria for ASD's will change again (DSM 5). These guidelines are supposed to be more stringent. For instance, the person must have shown signs of an ASD before the age of 3. Will this change prevalence rates????