So, Aiden figured out how to unlock the deadbolt and the lock on the front door a long time ago...
I kept telling Abe he needed to put a higher lock on the front door, because Aiden was opening the door to strangers. One time I walked into the front room to find a friend in my house. Thank goodness it was a friendly face, or I would have freaked out. Well, Abe finally got around to it this weekend. Epic. Fail. Aiden moved the play structure to the door and opened the extra lock anyway! Sigh. Shortly after I discovered he could do this, I jumped in the shower while the boys were watching Scooby Do and the baby was napping. The doorbell rang! I yelled from the shower, "don't open the door!" Thank goodness Aiden was captivated by the latest ghost on the cartoon and thought nothing of opening the door--this time. He could easily leave at anytime he wants too. Sometimes he does this in the morning when I'm not quite ready to walk out the door yet. Aiden will be half-way down the street! A family I know has alarms that sound when the windows or doors open. I may have to consider that!
On a postive note, Aiden's parent/teacher conference couldn't have gone better. She began with, "I didn't think Aiden would be ready for Kindergarden when he first started Early Childhood," but "he has made such great progress!" Aiden is one of the strongest students from an academic stand-point, he is finally interacting with his fellow students, and he has a ton of words that are finally forming sentences! He was even playing telephone with his speech therapist while we talked! I couldn't be more excited for this school year. What a blessing it is to watch Aiden overcome so much. I silently cry a lot. Every complete sentence or appropriate response/interaction brings me to tears. Aiden gave me a big hug yesterday, and I could have sworn he said (in his precious 2 year old-like voice), "I'll be ok momma". What a spiritual experience this journey is. We are so blessed to have Aiden in our lives.
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