My favorite fitness blogger just posted that a family member recently passed away from cancer, and it got me thinking about life--how short it truly is, what really matters from day to day, and how much I've been blessed.
I'll be honest. I'm tired. It takes everything I have most nights to workout instead of passing out on the couch, but I'm taking the time I need to take care of myself. After I've been woken up by the baby 3-4 times at night, it takes a lot for me to get out of bed every morning to get Aiden off to school on time. I haven't had a good night's sleep in 8 months or so. It is hard to be patient with the "trying 2's and 3's," which Austin is not-so pleasantly inbetween at the moment. And it is taking a lot of prayer and attempts at patience to potty train 2 children at the same time. But, I'm happy. We have everything we need, Aiden is making great gains despite his diagnosis, we are healthy, and I wouldn't give it up for the world. My heart breaks for all those that have to leave their families prematurely. I pray our Heavenly Father keeps me alive and well for a long time so I can watch my children grow and be an active part in their lives. I keep trying to find ways to help provide for our family financially, but the fact is, I don't want to miss these moments, because you just can't get them back. Lord willing, there will be plenty of time to establish my career when my kids don't need as much guidance. The kids are growing so quickly, and as I look back, I'm grateful that I was with them every step of the way. We've had so many fun moments together. I love watching them have fun and get excited. My children helped me overcome a dark, long depression. They give me purpose and joy. After reading her post, I kissed each one good night again while they slept. I'm so grateful I'm here for them. I want to be here--on this earth--to watch Aiden overcome autism, because I know he will :)
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