This is a personal journal entry...random thoughts I have each day.
I thought today of what it would be like if Aiden didn't have his challenges. I'm a little afraid that Austin is going to "out grow" his brother in words, potty training (that will happen), and play. They are such good friends now. Developmentally, they are the same age to me. As time goes by, I'm a little worried that Aiden will get left behind. I hope he learns to make friends. We go to the park a lot, and young children--about his age--always ask his name and try to interact with him. Aiden doesn't respond to this at all. Although he is making more eye contact, it is really only with people he knows and feels comfortable with. I don't blame him, and I'm sure this is an issue with some children who are just very shy. The unknown continues to be my biggest hurtle. Sometimes I think Aiden is going to be just fine, and other times I think, what if he isn't?
Haircuts are a major cause of stress for both Aiden and I. Before the age of 2, Aiden got his hair cut at Kids Cuts. He loved to sit in the car and push the buttons, and could care less what else was happening. Around the time Austin was born, I took Aiden in for a haircut, and all he did was scream. He wouldn't even get in the car. I thought he was just acting out because of the new baby. I was wrong. Aiden HATES to have his haircut! A scissor is way too dangerous, so I've resorted to buzzing Aiden's hair when it gets unbareably long. I have to physically hold Aiden between my legs to cut his hair. I don't know if it is the buzzing by his ear and/or the feeling of the guide, but it is a total nightmare. I wish Aiden could tell me why he is so afraid of the clipper. Austin isn't a fan, but he is more annoyed with it than anything. I've tried to let Aiden play with it before hand, but once he sees it, it is over. Poor kid is going to have a buzz cut for a long time...
Potty training...I'm not sure what to do for Aiden in this regard. He fights me more and more when he needs a diaper changed. Usually, I have to change him when he is standing up. Indeed, I don't enjoy it either. Aiden is getting very tall, and it feels a little odd changing such a big boy's diaper. He shows no signs that he is ready or willing. At school, he won't even sit on the potty. I'm going to apply for diaper assistance for him. He will be on disability soon, and they will help us with diapers when he is 4 years old. I don't see him potty training in the next 4 months.
Personally, I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I've let go of a lot, and chosen to find joy in this journey. My greatest joy is watching my children laugh and play, and hearing Aiden's sweet voice come to life. I'm so grateful for the sacrifices we have made, so I can be home with my children. And when they no longer need me, who knows? Maybe I'll work in a school for special needs children? I would love to work in Early Childhood. It has been such a blessing for our family.
No matter what comes our way, I'm trying to be happy and confident in God's plan for our family. Each step we take, I see His hand in our lives, and I'm grateful.