Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fun Therapy

Things we do on a daily basis for sensory fun!
Please share any other ideas you may have...

* Play with playdo/silly putty/bubber (bubber was so messy we ended up taking it outside)!

* Bathtub foam (you can buy this, or use shaving cream--the kids LOVE it)!

*Climbing wall (we are blessed to have one right across the street at Aiden's school).

*Slide--Aiden loves to climb UP the slide, and I have no problem with that!

*The mall's balance beam--Aiden is a PRO at this :)

*Swing--Aiden's favorite activity in our backyard!  I use a lot of words when I push him, and he is catching on!

*Sit N' Spin--Aiden did it on his own the first time!

*Hand painting--Aiden loves to paint his hands and make pictures...Austin too!

*Blanket rides--the boys LOVE this activity!  I pull them all over the house on a blanket!

*Pillow fight/pillow sandwich--LOTS of laughs from both boys with this one!

*Touch/feel books (I need to make another trip to the library)...Aiden is really getting into books now!

*Bean bin--Aiden likes to find the objects in the beans; this is a great way to teach him words too!

*Rollarcoasters/carnival rides--we were blessed to take Aiden on his first rollarcoaster this year, and to the local Fair!

Speech Therapy

A door opened for Aiden...there is a free program at the Waisman Center for children who have difficulty with speech/language.  Aiden will start this in September.  That means he will have at least 1 hour of speech therapy 5 days a week!  I'm so grateful!  Aiden is making slow gains in this area.  I try my best to talk often, but I'm really "out of my element" in that regard.  There is only so much "labeling" and story telling I have within me.  He still has trouble asking for things (he usually pulls me to them), and he doesn't respond when I encourage him to use his words.  I'm trying to give Aiden choices as much as possible, but he doesn't seem to understand the concept yet.  I'll keep trying...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Waiver Program

July 13th, 2011

I signed all the paperwork today, so Aiden is offically on the waiting list for the Waiver Program.  The wait is 1-1/2 to 2 years to get in-home therapy, but this is our only option left.  To pay for it out of pocket is 40,000 a year!  Mercy Options was a total let down on Monday.  They basically said that insurance doesn't cover their services, so I was wasting my time.  The poor lady.  I could tell she could feel my pain and sadness.  "I'm sorry I don't have better news for you."  "The best option is the Waiver Program."  Aiden will be 5 years old before he can get any therapy beyond the speech and occupational therapy provided by the school system.  I have every hope--perhaps naively--that Aiden will be speaking and potty trained by that time.  I'm not sure what else intensive behavior therapy can do for him beyond that.  I guess we will see what the next 2 years brings!  In the meantime, I'm it until September, and I'm going to do everything I can to encourage and love my son!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Aiden's IEP--Individualized Education Program Assessment

4/15/11  (age 3) "Talk-n-Learn" Assessment:

"Expressively, Aiden's skills are typical of a child at the 16 month level while his receptive skills are typical of a child <12 months of age.  Aiden uses approximately 15 words."  Ms. Jimenez

Fine Motor skills: 24 months

Cognition: 17-36 months (Aiden was unable to complete the LAP-D assessment due to his inability to follow directives or answer questions).

Adaptive/Self Help: 15-19 months

Social: 12 months

Gross Motor: 27-29 months

My assessment?  The above means nothing to me.  I'm just curious how these change over the years.  From my daily assessment, Aiden is functioning at a 16-19 month level (i.e. 2 years "behind").

Aiden receives a new IEP July 13th! 

July 13th 2011~
I spoke with Aiden's speech therapist today.  She was very encouraging!  She was impressed with Aiden's progress and the goals he met!  I expressed my concern that Aiden will not receive therapy for a month and a half until Early Childhood in September.  She agreed that Aiden needs constant reinforcement.  I need to talk to him constantly, and label things.  I feel "out of my element" doing so, but I'm trying hard!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sensory "Diet"

Marian McCormick, RD (Registered Dietitian) becomes OT (Occupational Therapist) 

I've used some of the OT's suggestions from the seminar that I went to, but I need more ideas to create my own program at home.  I'm currently reading, "The Out of Sync Child has Fun" from a friend who also has an autistic child (age 12).  There are some fun ideas in there!  I will post some of the activities we do as I learn more!  I'm sure they would be fun for any child with or without sensory dysfunction!

Aiden seems to NEED more stimulation.  He loves to jump, run, and swing!  I'm not sure about spinning...indeed, do they still make the "sit n' spin"?  He no longer sucks on everything--thank goodness.  His "new" thing is pushing and dropping his stuffed animals over and through things over and over again.  If he plays with a toy it is usually a bus, which he pushes back and forth while he lays on the floor.  Mainly, he does repetitive things with his stuffed animals (right now it is 2 elephants and a bird).  If he loses 1 of those, it is awful!  He needs to have all 3! 

I'm hoping camping, Six Flags, trips to the park, daily walks, and playdates are helping Aiden.  I am a very active person.  We do a lot of outdoor things, and he seems to enjoy them.  There was only 1 time recently that I noticed Aiden didn't do well with his environment.  We were at a crazy gas station--4 different food places were inside, a lot of different "things" every where.  Aiden hid under the table.  Later, he took my hand and pulled me to the car.  Weird.  That never happened before.  Too much I guess...

On a positive note...

Aiden seems to be responding better to conversation and he is making more eye contact!  I notice this especially when he comes home from school (where he gets occupational and speech therapy).  Today, I went to pick up Austin (Aiden and I went to swim lessons together), and I told Aiden what I was doing.  He said, "Austin"!  Did he understand what I said?  Encouraging!  I know the therapy is helping Aiden, I just hope I have the right tools to continue to give him what he needs.  I'm anxious for his appointment next Monday!   

                                                    The Madison Zoo