Aiden is 11!
This year, Aiden asked for a "friend" party. Austin's party with friends was a huge success, and he wanted to have one too (nearly the entire class came)! Concerned that his classmates would not attend, I encouraged Aiden to choose another option--Chuck E Cheese, please? Aiden's response, "but Austin had a friend party."
Ok Aiden.
My concerns:
1) This was a new school for us (his first year)
2) No one knows me or our family
3) He isn't part of a lot of the "traditional" classroom settings (friends know he is special ed)
4) Aiden is "quirky" to some who don't know and love him
Would these things prohibit friends from coming? I absolutely thought it would, but I did what Aiden asked and hoped for the best!
Sadly, I was correct. Only ONE of Aiden's friends from school came to his party aside from his best bud Matthew (who also has autism, and works often with Aiden).
I was heartbroken.
Thankfully, Aiden didn't seem to notice much, and helped his buddy get used to rollerskates for the first time. It was so sweet. We invited his brother to stay, and gratefully, our former neighbor came at the last second.
So, it was a small party in a large building, but he had fun, and enjoyed putting together several of his lego sets when he got home. I think I was hurt more than he was.
Sometimes I think we create the very thing we fear.
Moving forward in 2019
Aiden has a lot of support right now at school and with his tutor who is a beautiful woman of God who truly loves our son, and goes above and beyond for him. He has made a good friend in Matthew. As a woman of faith, I have chosen to listen and trust that moving forward we will do what is best for our children. So, as we prepare to move yet again, I trust that Aiden will continue to receive the support he needs to learn the best he can. Academics, following directions, and self-care are challenging for Aiden. He will need support moving forward, and I know it will be there for him as we prepare for our next Utah?!