Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer 2016

Therapy, Martial Arts, and Summer!


You know the system is a little broken when your son qualifies for 40+ hours of therapy PER WEEK based on his test scores, and then shortly afterwards, loses therapy hours completely.  Three years later, and Aiden was cut off from therapy for the entire month of June.  As with all aspects of life though, you can find a silver lining--the positive side--of things.  My Dad had unexpected open heart surgery, and I took care of him for 2 weeks following an entire week of visits at the hospital.  I'm grateful we had the break.  Putting that piece back in the puzzle would have made things harder on me.  It is hard to fit therapy hours in to begin with, but adding an unexpected responsibility would have made that even more difficult.  I'm very grateful for the time I had to support and take care of my Dad.

Therapy starts again tomorrow!

Martial Arts--

Everyone said how karate/martial arts was good for kids with speech delays.  The resources I read, the we finally gave it a try.  So far so good!  Aiden needed a little extra push to focus and practice his form, but he got a new belt!  We were referred to a great place.  Master Holden is firm but fun, and does a great job pushing Aiden to work harder.  Focus is still a problem, but he enjoys the time he spends at the gym.  


Summer school, the splash pad, a new roof, the Angry Bird Movie, and fun with Marley--our new neighbor who goes to school with Aiden--summer is off to a great start!  Did I mention we have to fit therapy in there somewhere?  

Sunday, June 5, 2016


What a special day for our family!  Aiden is such a precious spirit, and we are very blessed that this was the perfect day for him!  We talked about living a christ-centered life today, and how many qualities Aiden already has at the young age of 8 that exemplify Him.  Aiden is quick to forgive--"It is ok.  Things happen."  And Aiden is quick to comfort. He is often the first one to ask, "are you ok?"  When a friend lost her baby, he could see the pain in her eyes, and joined me in hugging and supporting her through the grief.  We are very proud of this young man, and the person he will become!