Saturday, January 23, 2016


Happy Birthday Aiden!

Well, another year is upon us, and it feels like this one went faster than the last.  Aiden is now 8!  Reflecting on his life, and the experiences we have had since his diagnosis, I can only find gratitude for all the help we have had.  We had to fight hard for it, but it came, and Aiden is better for it.  

Aiden still receives therapy 6 days a week.  At this point, it is mainly focusing on coursework.  Aiden has a really hard time focusing and participating in activities he isn't really interested in.  I get it.  To come home after a 7 hour day of academics only to be forced to work on spelling words and math once again--sigh.  He is struggling though.  He needs the extra help.  He is very behind in reading, and that concerns us very much.  I don't want Aiden to fall behind, but that is the direction we are headed.  

I'm hoping we can decrease hours this summer and focus on reading and ADLs (activities of daily living) only.  Aiden doesn't seem to understand basic daily tasks are a necessity.  He enjoys brushing his teeth, but a bath to him is fun--not necessary.  I have to constantly remind him to clean himself and get dressed.  I'm trying to teach him some independence.  

Aiden continues to be a good natured kid.  He seems unfazed by the bully in his classroom, and actually has a lot more confidence than I did as a kid.  He loves Lego set characters and making books.  

We have discussed baptism and the principles of the Gospel that we hold dear to us often.  He doesn't seem ready to take that step, and that is ok.  I want it to be a decision he makes for himself--not one that I make for him.  


Aiden's books!