Thursday, October 15, 2015

My son

Aiden worries....

Now--for the first time--Abe is starting to express his worry for our son's future.  I think a big part of the worry is because of his profession.  He is worried that Aiden will go into "special classes" and will slip through the cracks if we don't speak up.  In 1st grade Aiden was starting to READ and WRITE, and was meeting every milestone from an education standpoint.  Now, I'm worried.  Things are getting harder.  His spelling tests are challenging for him.  He forgets to bring the spelling lists home, then when he does, we work, work, work with him, but he still gets only a few correct even though he missed 3 or 4 when we test him at home.  I don't know what to do.  Aiden gets help from me AND a therapist for 2-3 hours a day except Sundays.  There isn't anything else to do from our standpoint.  I've discussed things with his teacher, and so far, the lists still come home late.  This will be the first parent teacher conference I want Abe to come to.  I need his support and expertise in the field.  What is going to help Aiden now???


Aiden's nutrition is worse than ever.  He looks sick to me.  He appears pale, and his eyes still reflect that something isn't right.  I wish I could find an affordable supplement for him, but I've been looking, and I can't find one!  If I had more time and resources, I'd develop one myself!  He doesn't like gummy vitamins, and the liquid Omega 3's are too expensive or taste awful.  I wonder if that would help him focus and concentrate.  The science says it will help.  I know it won't fix everything, but I do believe it will help.  Something.  Give me something that will help him!  We all had a bout of something awful--gastroenteritis at it's finest--and Aiden got it the worst.  I was up all night cleaning up poop and puke.  The poor kid.  How can I expect his immune system to fight back when he eats so few foods?  Still no fruits or vegetables, no meats, barely any jerky or nuts, only certain kinds of bread (not the healthy ones)...thank goodness for popcorn, yogurt and Ovaltine with milk!  This Dietitian needs to work some magic.  I wish I had some right about now!