Wednesday, September 23, 2015

2nd Grade

It feels like we skipped 1st Grade!

It is surreal that I have a walking baby, a 3 year old, a child in Kindergarten, and a SECOND grader!  My boys have grown so much, and the older I get, the faster time seems to go.  

I spoke with Aiden's teacher yesterday to see how Aiden was doing.  Aiden gets preoccupied with his pencil sharpener, so it was taken away.  That explains why he asked me about it, and I didn't quite understand why he was asking.  He did have a "thing" for our electric pencil sharpener as well, so I wasn't surprised by this.  He has a difficult time staying on task at school, so they use PECS (the picture exchange system) to indicate what Aiden needs to do to follow along with the class.  No wonder she put him up front.  Aiden's teacher thought it was so neat that after every spelling word on his test, he drew a picture that corresponded.  I have to admit, as a second year teacher, I'm impressed that she knew so much about autism, and how to help Aiden.  That makes me feel good as a mother.  I made the right decision sending him to school and keeping my ties to Adams School.  Although, I'm ready to move on from this house, I'm grateful Aiden has some consistency here.  Living across from the school has been a great blessing for all of us.  Nine years ago in June I pulled up to this house without even looking at the inside, and I knew it was going to be mine.  I see the Lord's Plan now :).

I have introduced my oldest boys to the world of Harry Potter.  Aiden of course, loves it because of the magic and the unique characters.  I wonder some times if he has a hard time with what is real, and what is not.  He asked me about God's relationship to monsters.  I had to explain that monsters aren't real.  They are simply part of creative stories.  Man, I love that boy!  I think he could be an illustrator and/or writer someday with his imagination and attention to detail.  He continues to create the characters he sees/connects with in movies.  I wonder when Harry will be next...

Therapy is hard on Aiden.  He has a hard time staying on task, and completing his homework.  He needs rewards or consequences to do the things he should do: make his bed, clean up, put shoes and clothes away, do homework.  This isn't unusual for a child--I know--but Austin is the complete opposite, so that gets challenging.  

Life is good for our family.  I feel like I get more rest, and I have more balance in my life.  Our family is complete, and that feels good.  Financially, we are slowly getting back on our feet, and that feels great too.  I'm hoping we can put Aiden and Austin in karate next year.  This year, Aiden is doing swimming lessons, and Austin is doing tumbling.  Evenings are long, but I'm grateful I have my boys to hug and kiss at night.  These precious moments are fleeting, and before I know it, my boys won't need me like they do now.  I love my crazy life :).