Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Aiden had his mental health "test" this week to determine his "disability".

The doctor opened the DSM Manual and proceeded to ask Aiden a series of questions:

Spell cat backwards.
What day of the week is it?
I'm going to give you 3 words.  In 5 minutes, I want you to tell me what those words are.
Do you get along with your friends?
What is your name?
When is your birthday?

This was the first time Aiden and I had a moment together without the other boys in a long time.  I wondered why Aiden seemed to have every marker of autism at this particular moment, but when at home, I don't see it like I did in that tiny room.  Am I missing this because I don't want to see it?  Am I missing this because I feel completely maxed out as a parent of 4 children?  With his therapist, he responds to questions well, but this time, Aiden struggled pretty badly with even the questions I knew he could answer.  I know this is in our Heavenly Father's hands.  Maybe this needed to go badly so Aiden can continue with his therapy?  

Is Aiden still autistic based on the new DSM?  I think I can say for certain without knowing the results of the eval.  The answer is YES.