Nutrition, social interaction, and preoccupation with figurines/stuffed animals...
While Aiden has overcome so much this past year--from broken/ineffective speech to reading grade level books--there are still challenges that we face daily. While I'm very grateful for therapy and all it has done for Aiden, I'm still a little sad that the above concerns may forever be a part of Aiden's life in some way shape or form.
Nutrition--As I've written before, this is very hard on me given my profession. Aiden's nutrition is getting worse. Our attempts at introducing new foods and getting Aiden to try fruits and veggies have gotten us no where. He is very aware that soda and candy are "sugar" and will give you a "tummy ache" if consumed in excess, but he can't apply the knowledge. If left to his own devices, Aiden would eat processed carbohydrate/treats/chips all day long. This was true years ago, and remains a problem today. Granted many, many kids would do the same; however, Aiden remains very sensitive to food textures and gags/vomits when he gets something "yucky" in his mouth. His protein and fat intake remain poor given his resistance to eating nuts/seeds, meats, and even his old "standbys"--pepperoni and beef jerky :( Lunches are going to be even harder to pack for him once school starts. Abe says he read a story of a mother who literally refused to give her autistic child anything but healthy items, and the child eventually started eating. However, I'm unwilling to use this "starvation method". I find it unethical and gut wrenching as a parent. I refuse to even try it. I'm doing the best I can, and that is all anyone can ask of me. Thank goodness for my education, or I'd be at a complete loss with this one!
Social Interaction--Although Aiden now says, "hi" appropriately, and can carry a conversation, it is often uncomfortable to watch Aiden interact with his peers. His speech is "unique" and he doesn't always "get it". I know, I know. Some people with autism are non-verbal. We are blessed that Aiden's speech finally came. As Aiden gets older and kids are less "forgiving," I'm very worried about bullying. My self-esteem was poor as a child/teen. I don't want that for Aiden or any of my children, but you can't put them in a bubble (although sometimes I wish I could)! We will see as time passes what school days bring. I'm fully preparing myself to homeschool Aiden once the social interaction/peer relationships become more defined with each passing year. I'm hoping he finds a good friend and/or his brother's stand up for him!
Preoccupation with toys--Aiden always has a set of toys that are his and only his. If he loses one, it is the end of his world (although this is getting better now with therapy and the "big problem, little problem" program). His toys of "choice" have changed many, many times over the years. Usually, it is a group of toys from a TV show or movie that he enjoys clinging to. Right now it is 3 Lego figurines because we watched the Lego Movie recently. A month ago it was the Pocoyo set of stuffed animals, because he was watching the DVD set a lot. Aiden could watch movies all day. He used to repeat lines from movies all the time, but gratefully this has changed now that he has an extended vocabulary. When is the "normal" age for kids to outgrow stuffed animals? Austin and Ashton could care less about them. Aiden ALWAYS has one waiting for him in the van or hidden in my purse :)
On the positive side, we had the BEST SUMMER EVER! We were so busy up until this point with play dates, trips to the pool/Splash Pad, the Reyes Family Reunion/camping at Jellystone, the Rock County Fair, Troll Beach, etc. etc. I don't know how we managed it with me working part-time in my 3rd trimester, Aiden's therapy, summer school and swim lessons, but it worked out, and we had fun!
The Splash Pad! We were here a lot!
Troll Beach--a man made lake with lots of slides!
The "corn pit" at the Rock County Fair Grounds :)