Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Overcoming autism!

I've read about it, prayed for it, cried over how to help him accomplish it, and it is happening!  
Aiden is overcoming autism!!!

I remember when:
  • Aiden spent HOURS playing with pieces of a tree in the kiddie pool.  
  • He ran away constantly at the park, mall--we just couldn't contain him.  The day we almost lost him for good at the mall will never, ever feel like a distant memory.  
  • The moment in my car when Grandma said, "goodbye Aiden, I love you,"  and Aiden stared blankly in the opposite direction.  It was shortly after his diagnosis. 
  • Aiden used to suck his blanket so badly that I had to sneak it away to wash it.
  • When Aiden was assessed for the Talk and Learn Program he didn't respond at all to the speech therapist and maybe had 2 words at age 3.  
  • At age 4 Aiden was still in a diaper and I was dressing him.
  • I questioned my profession, my faith, and my ability to make a rationale decision for my son.
  • Aiden plays with toys appropriately.  He is especially fond of his pirate ship and likes to find treasure!  The day he climbed a tree on his own I nearly cried--typical boy behavior!  The days of pushing cars back and forth and pushing stuffed animals in and out of chairs are gone!  He still clings to at least 1 stuffed animal daily, but he plays with it appropriately.  Right now it is a stuffed elephant that he named "Eli".
  • After that day in the mall almost 2 years ago, Aiden stopped running away.  It is almost as if that moment was as etched in his brain as it was mine.  I still remember the emotion on his face as he watched me weep on my knees in the middle of the crowded mall.
  • Aiden always replies with, "I love you too."  This is a new development, and I love it!
  • Other than major food diversions, Aiden no longer sucks on anything but a sucker!  Now, if I could just get him to eat a fruit and/or vegetable!
  • Aiden is speaking in FULL APPROPRIATE SENTENCES as of August 2013--3 months into therapy!  He had 2 or 3 broken sentences earlier that year.  He recently stood in front of our church congregation and said, "I'm Aiden, and I'm a child of God!"  Best day ever :)
  • Aiden can dress himself and was fully potted trained by the end of the summer (age 5 1/2 ).  He does have some accidents at school, but never at home.  His aide thinks he is having too much fun to get up and go to the bathroom.  They take him on plenty of trips to the bathroom.      
  • I can let go of elimination diets/leaky gut theory/the GFCF diet that "saves" kids from autism (if that is working for you great, but it wasn't our answer), my faith is stronger than ever, and I know that I did everything I could to get Aiden where he needed to be to succeed!  I know he will always have challenges, but I'm proud of everything he has overcome with pure love, patience, therapy, and prayer.