Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Big Brother

Ashton William was born May 12, 2012 and Aiden is his biggest fan!

Thankfully, having a new baby hasn't affected Aiden at all.  In fact, Aiden loves to hold, kiss, and hug Ashton.  He points to his umbilical cord and says, "owie".  So far it has been an easy adjustment for all of us--like it was meant to be :)  

The doctor says Ashton is developmentally appropriate and progressing well, but she also commented, "that is what I said about Aiden too".  I almost cried in her office.  That is what we are afraid of.  Ashton is a little cross-eyed like Aiden was for the first few months, and immediately, I started to think we would have this journey all over again.  The doctors say there is no connection between the two.  I sincerely hope not.  Only time will tell.  That said, I STILL wouldn't change Aiden for the world.  He is such a special little boy.  In fact, he is the calm within the storm of the "trying twos," which is how I describe Austin's behavior! 

I'm grateful for my children.  They are my greatest accomplishment and joy.  All I do, I do for them. 


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Aiden continues to be a sweet, loving boy who brings us joy every day!

I'm very happy to write that Aiden is making great progress!  He is starting to respond to conversations appropriately, and almost always follows directions.  I sneezed today and Aiden said, "bless you".  He says "good morning momma" and "bye dad" now at appropriate times.  But best of all, Aiden says, "I love you too" when I tell him how much I love him.  He still doesn't respond when I ask him how his day was at school, but I'm certain that will come!  From his teacher's notes, and his IEP meeting, Aiden is doing very well in school.  I see the changes in him, and I'm grateful he has some sort of education while we wait for intensive therapy.  I'm starting to think he won't need it!  

Aiden will be 4 1/2 in July.  He is still not potty trained.  He is willing to sit on the potty at times, but he still hasn't actually gone on the potty.  Lately, Abe and I find him in his room--or ours--with his pants down and diaper off.  I'm not sure what that means.  I really want to start him on a toilet training routine at home like they do at school; however, there are a couple barriers to that: 1) he will start summer school in a month, and his day will change completely, and 2) we are going to have another baby REAL soon, so my energy and our routine will be altered significantly.  I'm really praying that I can get Aiden started on a potty training routine by the end of the summer.  That gives us a couple months to adjust to baby #3 and start over with a new routine for all of us!